You can leave the default options: “Administrative” context choice, the “Auto mode” box checked and the “Reboot” option unchecked. Using RemoteExec, we can start a “File execution” action with the uninstaller file path “C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\uninstall\helper.exe” and the argument /S. Several editors allow silent uninstallation thanks to specific arguments available in their documentation.įor example, Firefox allows launching the uninstaller silently. You have the original installer package which is an “exe” file. Using the original installer package which is an “exe” file. In the “Target computers”, choose the systems on which you want to uninstall the concerned software and launch the Action. Leave the default option “Only if needed” and “Don’t reboot” checked.

In the “MSI file” field, set the share path where the MSI package is stored and choose the uninstall “Operation”. You just have to set a “MSI installation” action. You have the original installer package which is a MSI package. Privileged Access Management for Windows Active Directory Domain.Add UserLock Anywhere To Further Secure Remote Work.4 Key Advantages of SSO using Active Directory Domain Accounts.